#include "ip.h"

       unsigned int ip6_fmt(char *s,char ip[16]);
       unsigned int ip6_fmt_flat(char *s,char ip[16]);
       unsigned int ip6_scan_flat(const char *s,char ip[16]);
       unsigned int ip6_scan(const char *s,char ip[16]);
       unsigned int ip6_scanbracket(const char *s,char ip[16]);
       unsigned int ip6_ifscan(char *s,char ip[16],stralloc *ifname);
       unsigned int ip6_cidr(char *s,char ip[16],unsigned long *plen);
       unsigned int ip6_bytestring(stralloc *ip6string,char ip[16],int plen);


       ip6_fmt reads the char[16] IPv6 address and returns a compactified
       hexadecimal IPv6 address string fe80::fefe.

       ip6_fmt_flat reads the char[16] IPv6 address and returns all
       hexadecimal IPv6 address labels as string fe80:0000:....:fefe.

       ip6_scan reads a compactified IPv6 address string fe80::fefe and
       converts it to the char[16] IPv6 address.

       ip6_scan_flat reads an uncompressed IPv6 address als hexadecimal string
       and returns it's char[16] IPv6 address.

       ip6_scanbracket reads a compactified IPv6 address string enclosed in
       brackets [fe80::fefe] removes the brackets and calls ip6_scan on the

       ip6_ifscan reads the compactified IPv6 address string appended with the
       interface_name fe80::fefe/eth0 returns ifname and calls ip6_scan for
       the (stripped) IPv6 address.

       ip6_cidr reads the compactified CIDR IPv6 address string fe80::fefe/64
       determines the prefix as integer plen and calls ip6_scan.  If no prefix
       is identfied, it returns 128.

       ip6_bytestring reads the IPv6 address given as char[16] while returning
       the 'bytestring' representation 1001001....  up to the given prefix
       length plen.


       The ip(6)* programs return the number of bytes processed.
       ip6_bytestring returns negative numbers on failure.


       ip4(3), socket_if(3)


Man(1) output converted with man2html